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We believe that the events of Easter weekend - Jesus' death and resurrection, are the most significant events in history!  We have a great weekend planned and we invite you to be a part of our Good Friday & Easter Sunday services.  We’ll gather on Good Friday (April 18) at 7:00pm for an evening of worship, teaching and communion.  And then we’ll come together on Resurrection Sunday (April 20) at 10:00am to celebrate the reality that HOPE is alive!  The children (infants thru 4th grade) will have a full morning of Easter fun in our Eagle Kids program.  Join us as we reflect on a weekend that didn’t just change some things…but changed EVERYthing!

Easter Weekend Services

Good Friday: April 18, 7pm 

Easter Sunday: April 20, 10am

Can't be here in person? We'd love to worship with you online!

Church Online

Eagle Kids and Students

Good Friday, we'll have a wiggle room available in our Lower Level for families with children who need to get their wiggles out. We'll be streaming the service in that room.

On Easter Sunday, programming will be provided for all children infant-4th grade. 

You can find Eagle Kids in our Lower Level (down the stairs on the right when you enter). Our amazing volunteers will be there to welcome you and point you in the right direction.

All Eagle Students grades 5-12 will join the adult services for Easter Weekend.