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Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. 
(2 Peter 3:18)

We desire to be a community that is obediently following Jesus, becoming more like Him and helping others do the same thing. We desire that this page can be a resource for you in your own journey of following Jesus and as you help others follow Him too!


The Bible tells us, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16)." We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and we want to be people who are immersed in it so we can know Him more! We know the Bible is not an easy book to read, so we wanted to help you navigate it with these resources!

  • The One Year Bible Reading Plan

    Join us as we read through the Bible together in 2023.  Each day will include readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs.  Sign-up HERE.

  • Resources for Study

    The Bible Project

    The Bible Project produces outstanding videos that help unpack the main themes, books, stories and characters throughout Scripture. These are great to use to supplement personal study, small group study and to help students and children engage with Scripture.

    Overview of the Bible Story

    This is a visual representation of the overarching storyline of the Bible.

    Old Testament Kings and Prophets Timeline

    This timeline helps you see where all the kings and prophets fall chronologically, and it shows which kings "did what was right in the eyes of the Lord." This is a helpful tool to accompany your reading through the Old Testament.



Prayer is the primary work of God's people, and Jesus said it's what he wants his people to be marked by (Lk. 19:46). It's incredible to consider that God desires to interact with us, and through prayer, we can know God, learn what He cares about and experience His transforming power in our everyday lives. 

Below are several practices, teachings and other resources to help you grow in your prayer life - wherever you are at in that journey! 


    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." - Jesus (Matt. 11:28-29)

    We live in the busiest time in history! We are overly-stimulated, preoccupied and stressed. But, we have a solution in Jesus that sets apart the people of God as people marked by emotional and spiritual health!

    Soul-Care is a term that involves paying attention to and caring for your soul through the consistent practice of spiritual disciplines that allow us to "Be still and know that [God] is God (Ps. 46:10)." These practices and resources are here to help you do just that!

    • Silence and Solitude

      If you want to take a step and have a retreat (could be one day or a few days), here are a couple great places to check out in the Indianapolis area.

      Fall Creek Abbey

      Benedict Inn

      You can also reserve the Prayer Room at Eagle Church for a shorter retreat time if you want something close to home by emailing

    • Examen and Confession

      Ruth Haley Barton writes about the importance of Examen, Confession and Repentance and provides a guide for repentance in this helpful article about repentance.

      Article about Repentance

      Check out this simple guide to practice the exercise of Examen.

      Examen Guide

      The Fall Creek Abbey is an amazing retreat center in Indianapolis that provides spiritual direction, retreat space and many great resources. The linked page has several contemplative practices (like Examen and Confession) that can be useful guides.

      Contemplative Practices

      Psalm 51 is a great Scripture to pray through to guide confession.

      See the recommended readings below for more great resources.




    At Eagle, we believe the family unit is the primary environment where spiritual development happens. No matter the stage of life your family is in, we want to equip you with resources that help you effectively make Jesus the center of your home.

    • Parents of Eagle Students

      Axis is a great resource to know your teens’ world in order to have deeper conversations about the things that matter.

      AXIS - The Culture Translator

      Bark is an online monitoring and security solution to protect your students while they're using technology.

      BARK - Online Monitoring

      Church Prayer Leaders Network developed a helpful 31 day prayer guide to pray for your student. Add it to a calendar and commit to pray for them each day!

      How to Pray for Your Student

      Youth Ministry 360 (YM360) is a great resource for those specifically ministering to and investing in student's lives.


      Check out the our Student Messages to stay current with what they're learning together and to help you facilitate spiritual conversations with them!

      Student Messages



    Spiritual growth happens best in the context of community! If you would like to take some steps to connect with others through classes, groups or serving, check out some opportunities below!

    • Mar28

      Alpha Marriage Course 2025

      • Time: Friday, February 28th - Friday, April 11th | 6:45 - 8:15 PMEvery Friday

      • Location: Eagle Church

      Whether you’ve been married six months or 40 years, whether you’re in a good place or struggling, The Alpha Marriage Course offers practical support to strengthen your relationship. The course helps couples to:• Communicate more...

    • Apr15

      Women's Discovery Bible Study Spring 2025

      • Time: Weekly on Tuesdays at 7PM and Fridays at 10AMEvery Tuesday, Friday, from 04/15/2025 to 05/23/2025, 12:00 AM

      • Location: Eagle Church

      • Contact: Kim Shepson / 317.769.0700,

      All women are invited to a 6-week Discovery Bible Study on the book of Matthew.  Each week we will spend time connecting, studying a passage of scripture, and discussing how we can apply it to our lives.  The same study will be offered...